Web Design Example

Lucinda Ellery Hair Loss

Lucinda Ellery Hair Loss was the second site built for this company in conjunction with the redesign of their original site. As one of the UK's leading experts in treating hair loss caused by problems such as Alopecia and Trichotillomania they needed a site which was informative and authoritative on this difficult subject - quite different from the much more glamorous hair extensions site.

Lucinda Ellery hair loss siteThe hair loss site was initially based on a design from an outside company, and this had to be adapted to make it search engine friendly, particularly since as a new domain it was starting from scratch in the rankings.

In contrast to the hair extension site it had much smaller photographs and the galleries had to give more of a before-and-after impression. It also has considerably more text content in order to provide reliable and comprehensive information for visitors in search of solutions to their hair loss.

After building two further sites for the company's US expansion this site is currently being redesigned and will be launched in mid-2013.

The hair extensions site example page can also be viewed.